Process for empanelment of Advocates on the Panel of Advocates
The National Legal Services Authority (Free and Competent Legal Services) Regulations, 2010 under Regulation 2 (eb) lays down that, "Panel Lawyer means a legal practitioner empaneled as a Panel lawyer under regulation 8.
The said Regulations further provide that, no legal practitioner having less than three years' experience at the Bar shall ordinarily be empaneled. In extraordinary circumstances an application of an advocate having less than three years' experience at the Bar may be considered by the Hon'ble Chairman of SCLSC.
The Chairman of the SCLSC shall take into consideration the competency, integrity, suitability and experience of lawyers for the empanelment.
There may be separate panels of advocates for civil, criminal, constitutional, matrimonial, environmental, labour law etc. The Secretary may in his discretion assign a case to a panel lawyer of a subject matter other than for which he has been empaneled.
Upon directions of the Hon'ble Chairman of SCLSC from time to time, SCLSC shall invite applications form Legal Practitioners for their empanelment as panel lawyers and the same shall be scrutinized under a process duly set by SCLSC.